How to open the Control Panel from the desktop using the Settings Charm Bar When the menu appears, click on the Control Panel menu option to open the Control Panel. Right-click on this image and the power users tasks menu will appear as show below. This will open a small preview of your last used program. To access the Power Users Tasks menu, hover your mouse cursor in the lower left corner of the screen. It is possible to open the Windows Control Panel from any screen by using the Power Users Tasks menu. How to open the Control Panel with the Power User Tasks Menu You can then use the Control Panel as necessary and close it when you are done. Now click on the option labeled Control Panel and the classic desktop Control Panel will open as shown below. When the search results appear click on the Settings category as shown below. To open the Control Panel from the Windows 8 Start Screen go to the Start Screen and type Control. How to open the Control Panel from the Windows 8 Start Screen If you have any questions about these instructions, please ask in the Windows 8 Forum.

This tutorial will walk you through the various ways you can access the desktop Control Panel. The desktop Control Panel is the same as what we remember from previous versions of Windows, but is just not as intuitively accessed as it used to be.

If you wish to gain access to the full range of settings in Windows 8, though, you must use the desktop Control Panel. In Windows 8, Microsoft created an additional PC Settings section that you can use to customize some settings related to the Windows Start Screen and other basic settings.